Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Comfort of Food from Home

So here it is, Wednesday night in Hong Kong...Mike spent the evening with some folks from the sugar industry and I've skipped supper, trying to do some catch-up on this site and editing some other stories. We're supposed to be on air with Mike Adams at AgriTalk after the 10:30 market update (that's 12:30am Hong Kong time), so between the combination of being hungy and justifying that I'm going to be up for at least a couple of more hours, I head down the street to find something familiar to eat.

Upon arrival to this small space McDonald's is occupying, I realize I am the only caucasian there. This must cause some level of anxiety, as I see a lot of glances coming my way and the conversations begin to diminish. I wonder if any of the workers will be able to understand my midwestern English. I order a Big Mac by number and decide to venture out of the comfort zone and try a spicey chicken sandwich also...The Big Mac (not surprisingly), tastes much like the ones at home, with the only noticeable difference being the flavor of the lettuce. The chicken sandwich? A little'll never be a replacement for my favorite, the McRib!

LINK: McDonald's Hong Kong


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