Thursday, January 26, 2006

Missouri Soybean Update: Show-Me Ag Classic

The annual Show-Me Ag Classic is next Wednesday and Thursday in Columbia, Missouri. Haley Wansing, Communications Director at Missouri Soybean Association gives us a preview of the agenda and welcomes producers to attend this year's meeting.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Charlie Kruse: Eminent Domain

The Missouri Farm Bureau held a rally at the State Capitol in Jefferson City on today. Missouri Farm Bureau President Charlie Kruse joined me to talk about the issue of eminent domain before the rally began.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

MO RFS: Governor Matt Blunt

Missouri Governor Matt Blunt was the keynote speaker at tonight's meeting of the Missouri Corn Growers Association. Click the mp3 audio link at the left to hear my interview with him about Missouri's Renewable Fuels Standard.

MO RFS: State Representative Martin Rucker

State Representative Martin Rucker (D-District 29) is the sponsor of House Bill 1027 which would set a renewable fuels standard in place for Missouri. Rucker visited with me about the legislation and its importance to Missouri consumers.

MO RFS: Ron Leon

After offering testimony at the House regarding House Bill 1027, I had the opportunity to interview Ron Leon with the Missouri Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association about their concerns with the legislation.

MO RFS: Speaker of the House Rod Jetton

State Representative and Speaker of the House Rod Jetton (R-District 156)joined corn growers from across the state for a luncheon in Jefferson City today. The Speaker and I talked about legislation that has been introduced in the House of Representatives for a renewable fuels standard and the timeline of getting the legislation through the House.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Missouri Farm Bureau News: A Renewable Fuels Standard in Missouri

The idea of a renewable fuels standard in the Show-Me State continues to receive good publicity as corn growers from across the state pilgram to Jefferson City tomorrow and Wednesday for the Missouri Corn Roots event at the state capitol. Denny Banister from the Missouri Farm Bureau spoke with Leslie Holloway, State and Local Government Affairs Director on Farm Bureau's daily newsline.

John Block Commentary: Protecting Our Country

This week's John Block Commentary with former Agriculture Secretary Block looks at the changes the United States has had to make in security and how we must protect our country today.

Kansas Soybean Update: Gary Kilgore

The Kansas Soybean Association's annual yield and value contest results are in. Gary Kilgore, K-State Agronomist and Kansas Sobyean Association board member, chairs the contest and joined me this week for our report...