Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Renewable Fuels Standard for Missouri

Missouri Governor Matt Blunt is moving forward with the proposal to include a 10 percent ethanol blend in every gallon of fuel sold for cars and trucks in the Show-Me State. In his State of the State Address to Missouri lawmakers this evening, Governor Blunt noted a Missouri Renewable Fuels Standard will spur even greater economic development in rural Missouri, providing cleaner air, lower prices and greater independence from Middle East oil supplies. The Governor asked lawmakers to "please stand with me against special interests and for our farmers, consumers, the environment and new energy supplies made right here in Missouri."

Legislation introduced in the Missouri House (HB 1270) earlier this week shows the ball is already rolling to help the Governor with his request for a renewable fuels standard in Missouri.

The Governor also announced his new budget calls for full funding of Missouri's biodiesel and ethanol incentive funds.


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